Attention VJ's

on 1:34 AM

A new open source software program for mixing and creating visuals is being offered at CoGePSDLayers is a Quartz Composer plugin, it presents an image structure from a PSD file's layers, and a structure with the image resources - the image data "without the layer". it present an image structure from a brush (.abr) file. You can write your own media-players, mixers and effects. It opens up a simple mixing environment.

So VJ’s get on it. After you have made some videos be sure to let us know at DuttyStep. We can post you videos here.

COGE features

- free and open-source
- plays .mov, .avi, .dv, .jpg, .qtz files - and many more
- 2 "clip synth" with 16 clip slots
- 3rd layer for masking or place a clip with a predefined lumakey on the top of the master out
- sync with midi clock
- save presets
- you can use your compositions to effecting or mixing
- sequencers for drumpattern like auto clip triggering
- adjust clips speed to bpm
- midi or/and osc controllable

CoGe 0.94b - Quickstart from luma beamerz on Vimeo.

Download COGE here


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